Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Bavarian Illuminati

The Bavairian illuminati is one of the more straight-forward of the bunch. Most people believe their ties are masonic. The founding fathers of America (United States Of) are members of this fine example, and most believers of this theory credit the founding of the USA entirely to them.

Adam Weishaupt founded the order in 1776 (a familiar date to be certain) and together with our own George Washington (of the American Masons)paved the way for our modern government. It doesnt take much research to puzzle all of this out.

Everyone can agree on the facts and timelines it seems, the debate is all about where are they now? How much influence do they have today and are they good or evil.

AS for me I rely mostly on the results of the actions. As an American I am fat, dumb and happy. If I am a slave as many imply, I sure am a well fed slave. Lots of luxurys, free time and entertainment too. I say 'three cheers for Mr Weishaupt and Washington'. May their decendants be as wise in manipulations.

Heres a few links to help you gather your own opinion. Good bad or otherwise. my question(s) to the authors of this theory is, why would you need to invade a country you created? Did they lose control somewhere along the line? Should I be afraid of the group that kicked them out? Given the current state of things, should we just give it back to them?

Happy reading.

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